Sustainability: HR initiatives

Healthcare management

Related goals

  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 4. Quality education
  • 5. Gender equality
  • 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 10. Reduced inequalities

Healthcare management

Statement on Healthcare

Jun Tanaka
President, Executive Officer, and CEO
WingArc1st Inc.

The WingArc1st Group believes that our employees are our most important asset, and that their performance is the key to realizing the Group's vision of "Empower Data, Innovate the Business, Shape the Future".

Ensuring employees' mental and physical health is paramount to maximizing performance.

The Group gives the highest priority to maintaining and improving the health of its employees, and provides various modes of support so that employees can work in the best condition, both physically and mentally.

Healthcare White Paper (Japanese)

The WingArc1st health white paper (updated June 2024) summarizes the company's health initatives.

Healthcare Management Promotion System

We consider health management to be an important corporate strategy. The director in charge of human resources and organizational culture is responsible for promoting health management, while the president and executive officer is the head of healthcare management.
We have also established the Wellness Promotion Office, which is an organization dedicated to health management. This office plans and promotes health management measures in cooperation with wellness leaders and ensures that each and every employee is aware of the importance of health management.
We also work closely with the health insurance association (Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association) to actively promote collaborative health.
Internally, we collaborate on projects with the Culture Committee of the corporate culture creation department, and externally, we ask for the advice and cooperation of outside consultants and nutritionists.

<Occupational Health and Safety and Risk Management>
Once a month, an occupational physician conducts a workplace inspection tour, and the findings are reported to the Wellness Committee, which also serves as the Health Committee, for discussion.
The content of the discussion is communicated to the management team for immediate improvement of the indicated areas.

Diagram of Healthcare Management Promotion System

WingArc1s't Healthcare Management Strategy

Yoshiyuki Yoshida
Executive Officer, Head of Human Resources, Organizational Culture and Sustainability, and Wellness Promotion Manager
WingArc1st Inc.

We promote 100% remote work as part of our efforts to encourage diverse work styles. While self-managing and working autonomously, employees are expected to engage in smooth, free and vigorous communication with each other to promote business and maximize performance even though they cannot see each other directly.

To this end, we will promote and spread health promotion throughout the company, at each workplace, and at each individual policy level to improve the mental and physical condition of each employee, as well as to create a comfortable work environment and enhance work-life balance, leading to increased happiness at work and work engagement. Through these efforts, we aim to reduce the loss of presenteeism and absenteeism throughout the company.

WingArc1st health management strategy map Actively communicate the details of our initiatives outside of the company and share our health management expertise

Click pics to enlarge.

WingArc1st health management strategy map

WingArc1st health management strategy map Actively communicate the details of our initiatives outside of the company and share our health management expertise

Healthcare Management Promotion Concepts

We have established five concepts for the promotion of health management. These concepts are shared by all stakeholders in the planning and promotion of all initiatives, and we promote health management without wavering.

①Enjoyable health management based on communication
In order to form a work environment that guarantees psychological safety, we emphasize the promotion of casual communication. For this reason, all of our measures incorporate perspectives that generate communication among employees. As a result, employees are motivated to participate because it is fun and because they have the opportunity to talk with colleagues about things other than work.
②Health management initiatives using our products
When implementing health measures, we actively utilize our own products, including data visualization and chat-based communication. This has provided an opportunity for employees to deepen their understanding of the company's products and explore new ways to utilize them, and has created a sense of independence on the part of both the employees who describe the measures and the employees who participate in them.
③Health management through bottom-up x top-down approach
The Wellness Committee, which consists of wellness leaders from various divisions and offices nationwide, shares health-related information and engages in unique discussions and ideas for the promotion of various measures. When implementing measures decided on from the bottom up, management executives actively participate and encourage their members to take part, and other measures are implemented company-wide through a combination of top-down initiatives.
④Health management through interaction with outside companies
In considering and promoting health measures, we do not think entirely on our own, but actively exchange opinions with health management experts and other companies. We are always trying to improve by receiving feedback on our own approaches and ideas, as well as good ideas and know-how from other companies. We also offer our know-how to companies that are going to start health management, which gives them an opportunity to constantly review their own efforts.
⑤Health management Involving the Entire Company
Through items 1 to 4 above, we are evolving to deliver health management that resonates with all employees. KPIs are set for all measures and monitored on a monthly and annual basis to promote timely consideration of countermeasures based on changes in numerical values, resulting in an extremely high participation rate in the measures.

Details of Health Investment Policies

  • PDF 1. Cultivate health awareness throughout the company (Japanese)
  • PDF 2. Prevent serious illnesses (Japanese)
  • PDF 3. Try diverse workstyles (Japanese)

Effects of Health Management Initiatives

As a result of our lifestyle-related efforts, we have seen improvements in exercise, eating habits, and smoking in the answers to the medical questionnaire.
On the other hand, sleep values, which have continued to improve since 2020 when the company switched to remote work, worsened in 2023. We are treating it as a priority issue and strengthening our support by conducting sleep seminars, carrying out sleep-related questionnaires, and interviewing with public health nurses.

The group whose lifestyle score improved over the past year improved their presenteeism loss ratio by 1.01%, while the group whose lifestyle score worsened increased their presenteeism loss ratio by 1.70%.

Indicator Meaning of the number Actual
2020 2021 2022 2023
Percentage of those who exercise twice a week for at least 30 minutes per session. (for age 40 or older)
The higher the better 25.6% 25.9% 27.0% 30.9%
Percentage of those who have dinner within 2 hours before bedtime at least 3 times a week(for age 40 or older)
The lower the better 19.0% 17.4% 18.4% 19.0%
Percentage of those who are well rested from sleep(for age 40 or older)
The higher the better 72.0% 73.8% 73.0% 68.2%
Percentage of those who drink occasionally or every day and who drink 2 or more gou of sake (360ml or more) equivalent per day on drinking days(for age 40 or older)
The lower the better 19.9% 16.9% 18.6% 16.5%
Percentage of those who smoke cigarettes(for age 40 or older)
The lower the better 19.2% 15.9% 15.7% 12.6%

Percentage Change in presenteeism loss with improvement/worsening of lifestyle score

lifestyle score Presenteeism Loss Percentage Change graph

As a result of the mental health care measures taken through individual and workplace approaches, the work environment improved in terms of support from supervisors and coworkers and a sense of unity in the workplace.
The group with an improved work environment also improved their work engagement. On the other hand, the group with a deteriorated work environment also experienced a decline in work engagement.
While the group with improved work engagement also showed an improvement in the percentage of presenteeism loss, the group with a decline in work engagement showed a worsening percentage of presenteeism loss.

Indicator Meaning of the number Actual
2020 2021 2022 2023
Support from managers The higher the better 8.68pt 8.75pt 8.81pt 8.92pt
Support from colleagues The higher the better 8.60pt 8.65pt 8.78pt 8.84pt
Psychological safety The higher the better 2.88pt 2.92pt 2.91pt 2.98pt
Sense of unity at work The higher the better 2.97pt 3.02pt 3.03pt 3.06pt

Changes in Work Engagement as Work Environment Improves/Deteriorates

Changes in Work Engagement graph

Change in Presenteeism Loss Ratio with Improvement/Deterioration in Work Engagement

Change in Presenteeism Loss Ratio with Improvement/Deterioration in Work Engagement graph
PDF Report Results and target figures for initiatives and survey(Japanese)

Dissemination and Expansion of Healthcare Management

As a company that thinks about employee health management from a managerial perspective and implements strategic practices, we intend to disseminate and expand our approach to health management throughout our group companies, business partners, local affiliates, customers and our employees' families.
Since FY2021, we have participated in various seminars to share our expertise with various companies and even university students who will lead the next generation. We have also been published in various journals.
In addition, we have joined a study group in which companies engaged in health management actively participate to share information.
In March 2023, we established "Peach Pie" as a place to deepen understanding of health management among health management promotion staff and public health nurses from each company.

FY2021 - FY 2024 Results

7 Apr 2021 Seminar hosted by ONE COMPATH (60 companies joined)
26 Nov 2021 Seminar hosted by Kanto ITS health insurance association (24 companies joined)
17 Jan 2022 Seminar hosted by ONE COMPATH (70 companies joined)
19 Aug 2022 Student Research in Health Management (21 participants from 6 universities)
7 Dec 2022 SDGS WEEK EXPO2022, Report on the Industry-Government-Academia Health Management Visit Project
18 Jan 2023 Seminar hosted by ONE COMPATH (120 companies joined)
26 Apr 2023 Methods to Promote Smoking Cessation hosted by A10 Lab (115 participants from 101 companies)
24 May 2023 Seminar hosted by PASONA (301 participants from 269 companies)
8 Jun 2023 Seminar hosted by Takuji Arai, Professor, Beauty & Wellness Professional University (39 participants)
14 Jun 2023 Seminar hosted by ONE COMPATH (127 companies joined)
28 Jul 2023 Seminar hosted by Kanto ITS health insurance association (59 participants from 30 companies)
2 Nov 2023 UpdataNOW23, Health Management Future Prospects
22 Nov 2023 Health Management Session hosted by Smart Value (52 participants)
27 Nov 2023 Health and Wellbeing Management Support Webinar hosted by RenoBody (46 participants from 45 companies)
20 Feb 2024 Collaborative Seminar on Next-Generation Health Management hosted with Niigata University
6 Mar 2024 Health Management Go Festival by the HPM Regional Revitalization Project Executive Committee (74 participants)
3 Apr 2024 Health Management Seminar hosted by IBUKI Co., Ltd. (140 participants)
12 Jun 2024 Health Management Seminar hosted by Relo Club (246 participants)
13 Jun 2024 Seminar hosted by ONE COMPATH (145 companies joined)
[ Dissemination through media: ]
8 Nov 2021 Published in Monthly General Affairs magazine
(November 2021 issue)
5 Apr 2023 Published in Monthly Human Resource Management magazine (April 2023 issue)
11 Jul 2023 Published in Welfare Affairs magazine (published three times a month) (July 2023 issue)
1 Nov 2023 Health-Up21 issue 469
[ Interactions with healthcare management organizations: ]
Sep 2021 - Member of the Business Policy Forum, Japan
Jan 2023 - Member of the Social Health Strategy Research Institute
Mar 2023 Established Peach Pie
Jun 2023 Member of the Healthcare Management Alliance
Nov 2023 Collaborative Seminar on Next-Generation Health Management hosted with Niigata University

< Promotion to other companies >

In April 2024, the 20th anniversary of WingArc1st's establishment, the company held a general meeting of employees under a company-wide remote work system. The Wellness Leader, a certified diet advisor, supervised the event and allocated time for stretching. It was carried out in unison, together with all executives and employees, employees of domestic and overseas subsidiaries, and guests.

At our business conference updataNOW23 held in October 2023, we set up a booth to promote health management where we distributed smoothies to those who walked 2,000 steps or more at the venue and held a game in which participants could generate electricity by pedaling a bicycle. In addition, we also showed a stretching video to the audience during intermissions between seminars, allowing them to experience and learn about our health management measures.

Seconded employees, contractors, and outsourced workers also participate in all of the company's health initiatives. Additionally, we provide a forum for exchanging information with company representatives from dispatching companies about employee health, as well as how to promote health management.

< Guidelines for promoting health management >

We have established health management guidelines as part of our efforts to promote health management initiatives throughout society.

< Acquired ISO 30414 certification, the guideline for internal and external human capital reporting >

On January 31, 2024, WingArc1st Inc. obtained its ISO 30414 certification, the international standard for human capital disclosure. In line with this, the company publishes its Human Capital Report. WingArc1st Inc. is the first company in the information and telecommunications industry to obtain this certification, and the 9th in Asia, including Japan. We are focusing on health management as part of our initiatives to realize our strategy.

< Transportation Digital Business Conference (TDBC) >

WingArc1st Inc. serves as the secretariat of the Transportation Digital Business Conference (TDBC). In FY2024, the company's activities were based on themes of promoting health management in the transportation industry, conducting field trials of solutions to health issues, and contributing to the creation of a healthy, safe and secure world through the dissemination of the initiatives and results from each company with the aim to become certified as a corporation with excellent health management. We regularly communicate with the Safety Policy Division of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to inform them of our activities and receive explanations.

Evaluation of Health Management

As a result of these initiatives, WingArc1st has been selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) as one of the Health Management Stocks of 2023. This category recognizes companies listed on the TSE that have excellent health management practices.

In addition, we have been recognized for the fourth consecutive year by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Council as one of the "White 500" in the list of "Health Management Excellent Corporations 2024 (Large Corporation Category)".

For the fourth year in a row, the Japan Sports Agency has recognized WingArc1st as a "Sports Yell Company 2024". This title is awarded to companies that actively promote and support sports activities to improve the health of their employees.

In addition, the company-wide walking event, in which more than 80% of employees participated under full remote working conditions was highly evaluated and won the Grand Prix in the e-Communication Grand Prix sponsored by Monthly General Affairs and the Theme Category Award (communication, collaboration, team building) in the Work Story Award 2021 sponsored by at-Will Work.

Evaluation of Health Management