Sustainability: Social initiatives

IT Education Support for Children

LITE1 Little IT Engineer ウイングアーク1stの子どもIT教室 プログラミングを学ぼう

Related goals

  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 4. Quality education
  • 5. Gender equality
  • 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 10. Reduced inequalities
  • 16. Peace, justice, and strong Institutions

About LITE1

We can even launch rockets! Exploring the fun in IT

Given the expected shortage of IT personnel, we have been presenting a children's IT classroom called "LITE1" taught by WingArc1st employees since 2018, to convey the joy of IT to children who carry the future of Japan on their shoulders. With programming classes being introduced for elementary schools in 2020, middle schools in 2021, and high schools in 2022, there is sure to be more interest in IT.

Goal of LITE1

The goal of the class is to get children to have fun while learning programming, and convey to them the "joy" and "excitement" of creating things with IT. WingArc1st would like children to have fun while cultivating their capacity for imaginative creation, developing their ability to give shape to their ideas, and advancing their technical abilities in using IT.
We are committed to making this initiative a catalyst for children to pursue their dreams.