WingArc1st supports the data utilization of companies through our software and services. We provide products and services that exceed customer expectations.
That is our goal. We look at things from the customer's perspective and listen to their feedback to develop solutions for the problems they face.
Business Document Business
Through forms, we support productivity growth and the streamlining of operations
Organizations carry out many of their procedures using forms, such as invoices and applications. Forms are indispensable to all businesses.
By utilizing the expertise we have cultivated over the years with SVF, we provide services such as SVF Cloud, a form cloud service, and invoiceAgent, a solution that distributes forms across organizations.
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Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute Ltd.
*Total number of companies (as of Feb. 2024)
Data Empowerment Business
Organized and systematic use of internal and external data
We provide BI products and services that enable anyone to aggregate, analyze, and visualize large amounts of accumulated data at any time. Our solutions do not require specialized knowledge, so everyone from executives and department managers to on-site employees can quickly understand the status of the business and operations to take the next action.
Dashboards that visualize accumulated data. Our dashboards have intuitive operations and allow flexible presentations that support data analysis and utilization in business departments.
VyNDEX can directly access the data on Salesforce and freely browse, add, and edit this data on Excel.
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