Sustainability: Environmental initiatives

Environmental Management System (EMS)

Related goals

  • 11. Sustainable cities and communities
  • 12. Responsible consumption and production
  • 13. Climate action
  • 15. Life and land

Environmental Management System (EMS)

Environmental initiatives

We have introduced an Environmental Management System (EMS) as part of our environmental efforts.
The EMS assesses the environmental impact of an organization's activities and contributes to reducing environmental impact and protecting the environment. In order to continuously work on the EMS, we established the EMS executive office to conduct and manage the EMS by implementing the PDCA cycle.

Acquisition of ISO 14001 Certification

We obtained ISO14001 certification, an international standard for EMS, on May 8, 2020, and are operating the system.

EMS 720698 / ISO 14001

Environmental Targets

We have identified elements of our business activities that have a significant impact on the environment and will take the following actions from March 2023 to February 2024:

Expanding Beneficial Environmental Impact

1. Continue to provide value that supports customers' and partners' promotion of digital transformation (DX)
Promote WingArc1st products, services, and solutions
2. Procurement of green products for office supplies
The percentage of green products procured for office supplies is to be maintained (or increased)

Reducing Harmful Environmental Impact

3. Maintenance and reduction of electricity consumption
Annual electricity consumption at the head office (including the server room) is to be 50 - 150% less than it was the previous year.
4. Maintenance and reduction of copy paper used
Number of sheets used per person is to be 50 - 150% less than it was the previous year.

Examples of Activities to Reduce Environmental Impact

In addition to the initiatives above, we are also implementing the following actions to reduce environmental impact:

External activities

Reduce environmental impact through the provision of products and services

Understand the current status of COR emissions and support reduction measures through the provision of the CO2 emissions visualization platform EcoNiPass

Lessen shipments of products through downloads

  • Delivering all products online

Reduction of energy consumption through online and hybridization of business activities

  • Conduct all recruitment activities online
  • Conduct all product training online
  • Conduct seminars and events online
  • Carry out consultations online
  • Hold surveys implemented by auditors online

Internal activities

Reduce CO2 emissions through work style reforms

  • Shift to remote work (Work at the office: only 2-3%)
  • Limit overtime hours

Reduce energy by using WingArc1st products

  • Online delivery of invoices

Online delivery of invoices in remote work environment using invoiceAgent (Japanese web site) Open in a new window

  • Aim for paperless operations

Use case of compliance with the Electronic Book Storage Act (Japanese web site) Open in a new window

Introduction of Green Power

The electricity used at the head office is renewable energy. (*)

Electricity + Non-Fossil Certificate = Real renewable energy

*By purchasing "FIT Non-Fossil Certificate with Tracking" and "Renewable Energy Designated Non-FIT Non-Fossil Certificate", the electricity used is regarded as real renewable energy.

Actual non-fossil certificate amount for the headquarter office
Year Month Actual non-fossil certificate amount (kWh) Power Generation
2023 Jan 56,977 Sunlight
Feb 60,344 Sunlight
Mar 48,350 Sunlight
Apr 55,768 Sunlight
May 53,944 Sunlight
Jun 58,585 Sunlight
Jul 62,042 Sunlight
Aug 67,205 Sunlight
Sep 63,965 Sunlight
Oct 57,253 Sunlight
Nov 57,139 Sunlight
Dec 56,814 Sunlight

Since renewable energy is also an important resource, we will continue to aim to maintain and reduce electricity consumption, and will gradually switch to renewable energy sources in regions other than the head office, starting with those that can handle them, to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.

Introduction of environmentally friendly materials

In order to contribute to waste plastic reduction and forest protection activities, we have introduced office stationery made of environmentally friendly materials.
Plastic folders have been replaced with FSC-certified paper folders, and FSC-certified paper is also used for envelopes, paper bags, and business cards.

Old plastic folder (left) and new plastic folder (right)

What is an FSC Certificate?

It is an international certification that can only be obtained for products that are produced from properly managed forests and that are found to be free of unqualified materials in the processing and distribution process.