
We will strive to create a better society through the "power of data"
Based on our corporate vision, "Empower Data, Innovate the Business, Shape the Future", WingArc1st believes that maximizing the performance of each and every individual - unfettered by region, age, gender, or race - through the sharing and utilization of data will lead to overcoming of social issues.
The Group's vision for sustainability is to create a regenerative system that empowers people and organizations, builds a data-driven society, and creates a better society overall.
Our initiatives
for a sustainable society
Environmental initiatives
Recognizing that protection of the global environment is the world's most important issue, WingArc1st contributes to the development of a sustainable economy and strives to achieve harmony with the global environment in all corporate activities.

HR initiatives
WingArc1st respects the diverse values of each individual. By incorporating this diversity into our corporate activities, we will create new value that will lead to the improvement of social values.

Social initiatives
We will contribute to the development of society as a whole through initiatives that leverage our unique technology and data utilization expertise for various communities.

Governance structure
We will achieve sustainable corporate development by building a transparent, sound and efficient management system and earning society's trust by meeting its expectations.

Initiatives towards
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The international SDGs for 2016-2030 are described in the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. Comprising 17 goals and 169 targets for a sustainable world, the aim is to "leave no one behind".
Global efforts to resolve increasingly serious social issues are accelerating. The Group will also deepen its understanding of these SDGs, while exploring different perspectives to create new business opportunities. In addition, along with the shared objective of economic and social development, the Group will promote efforts to raise employees' awareness and motivation to solve social issues through business.

In promoting sustainability as an integral part of our vision, WingArc1st has identified stakeholders whom we consider important partners and essential to the Group's survival and success.
The development, sale, and support of software is the core of WingArc's business. The key to the Group's sustainable growth is to create an environment in which all employees feel secure and can work with a sense of fulfillment. Cultivating a supportive environment not only acts to maximize employee performance, it promotes diversity in the workplace, and through this promotes synergisms by which innovative services are created.
Additionally, many of WingArc1st's software and services are provided through business partners, who have become essential to our business. Sustainable communication requires relationships founded on trust and the provision of valuable services. Through our sustainability initiatives, WingArc1st will continue to conduct our business with the highest ethical standards, and so strengthen relationships with our business partners.
These efforts result in increased user satisfaction that promotes the continued use of our services and allows us to continue to invest in our people and technology, to develop new products and services, and to actively invest in our business. WingArc1st openly promotes to our shareholders our aim to improve corporate value through our sustainability initiatives, and we will continue to engage in open and detailed communication on this issue The Group's business activities will improve corporate value as well as social value, and promote the development of local communities through employment and education.

Promoting Sustainability
In April 2018, WingArc1st established its Sustainability Committee to maximize the effects of its sustainability activities through developing a shared understanding between management and all employees.
The Committee is chaired by the Officer in Charge of Sustainability, and is comprised of the President, the Executive Officer in charge of finance, the Executive Officer in charge of technology, and the Executive Officer in charge of marketing.
The Sustainability Committee holds monthly meetings to share trends in sustainability and discuss the status of the Group's efforts to address the expectations of stakeholders.