Sustainability: Governance structure

Compliance and Anti-Corruption Policy

The group has established basic compliance and anti-corruption rules for all officers and employees, and is committed to ensuring compliance and enhancing public trust.

  • 1. All officers and employees shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including anti-corruption laws of each country, and internal rules, including this basic policy and internal rules (hereinafter collectively referred to as "relevant rules").
  • 2. Prohibition of bribery and corruption
    • (1) All officers and employees will not directly or indirectly give or offer anything of value of any kind to any government official or party to a transaction for the purpose of obtaining or securing an improper business advantage, except as permitted by the relevant rules or regulations.
    • (2) All officers and employees shall not permit, approve or acquiesce to other officers and employees committing acts in violation of laws and regulations.
    • (3) All officers and employees shall not consent to any act that violates laws or regulations at the request, under contract, or under duress from other officers, employees, or other persons.
  • 3. Moderate entertainment and hospitality

    All officers and employees will appropriately handle entertainment, gifts, travel expenses, employment/internship, political contributions, and donations to and from public officials and business partners that have legitimate business purposes and are provided legally, in accordance with relevant rules.

  • 4. Whistleblower system and reporting obligations
    • (1) We will establish an internal reporting desk and an external consultation service to enable officers and employees to report general compliance issues, including matters related to bribery.
    • (2) We will not take any adverse employment action in retaliation against an employee who reports a violation or suspected violation of the law or relevent rules, provided the employee reports honestly and sincerely.
  • 5. Implementation of training

    The group provides its officers and employees with regular compliance training programs, including compliance with anti-corruption laws, at least once a year.