About WingArc1st

Generative AI business consulting service launched

WingArc1st Inc.

WingArc1st Inc. and its subsidiary Everforth Co., Ltd., provider of AI Platform, Eve, will start offering DX consulting service using generative AI.

Generative AI is bringing about unprecedented changes in business and is expected to have a significant impact on corporate competitiveness (*1). When incorporating it into their existing DX strategies, many companies are facing challenges related to data security and AI human resources. This service aims to solve these issues by improving business accuracy through generative AI and ultimately contributing to increased corporate profitability.

About the consulting service
Under this service, we utilize generative AI to hear business issues and hypotheses from our clients. We provide one-stop support for preparing DX action plans, prioritization of measures to be taken, and project management support to development, verification, evaluation, and improvement of PoC projects.

We also provide total support across all phases of new business development, from idea generation based on use cases to MVP development (*2), utilizing generative AI.

Through this service, clients will have access to the Group's data utilization technology and experience, as well as practical action plans and implementation opportunities for AI.

Consulting services related to the use of generative AI

・Planning of DX action plans utilizing AI generated from interviews on business issues and hypotheses
・Prioritization of measures and support for project management

PoC for DX project using generative AI

PoC product development, validation, evaluation and improvement

New business building services using generative AI

・Development and discussion of new business ideas from use cases
・Strategy design for new business
・MVP Development
・Provision of WingArc1st products as needed

About AI Platform, Eve

Developed by Yutaro Ikutani, COO of Everforth, who joined in June 2023. A platform developed using generative AI/LLM technology and provided by Everforth's DX consulting and R&D business related to generative AI. DX ideas and business application demos that utilize generative AI are available, and individual consultation for prototyping and full-fledged utilization of the company's own utilization plans is available through actual trial use. (Japanese)


(*1)Source: IIDC: Corporate User Trend Survey on Generated AI in 2023

(*2) MVP development: A method to develop the minimum necessary functional products and services while verifying customer situations, feedback, and reactions.


Contact on Products and Services:
WingArc1st Inc.
Roppongi Grand Tower, 3-2-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo106-0032, Japan
TEL : 81-3-5962-7300
FAX : 81-3-5962-7301
E-mail :

*Company names and product names enlisted in this Press Release are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.